The interdisciplinary nature of my research background has given me the opportunity to teach a range of lecture and lab courses, from Microbiology, Introductory Biology, and Senior Capstone in Environmental Microbiology at EWU to Microbial Ecology, Biodiversity, and Principles of Biology at Roanoke College and Honors Ecology and Microbiology labs at Virginia Tech. I am a firm believer in experiential learning and getting students outside of the classroom, which is why I incorporate research experiences, field trips, guest speakers, and games into my course designs. In my class, students are scientists!
I also enjoy mentoring graduate and undergraduate researchers on projects that combine ecological and molecular approaches to address basic and applied questions. Student involved in my research gain diverse field and laboratory skills, from environmental and wildlife field sampling to microbiology and bioinformatic analysis.
Courses I teach at Eastern Washington University:
1) Biology I for Majors - BIOL171
2) Biological Investigations - BIOL270
3) Microbiology - BIOL301
4) The Human Prospect - BIOL320
5) Microbial Physiology - BIOL353
6) Directed Study in Microbial Ecology Research - BIOL399/499
7) Senior Capstone in Environmental Microbiology - BIOL490
8) Microbial Ecology - BIOL496/596
9) Current Topics in Ecology and Evolution (Graduate) - BIOL514
10) Introduction to Environmental Science - ENVS100